


作者:怀爱伦遗产托管委员 | 发布时间:2018-03-29



    圣经章节和怀爱伦的著作都提出了一项神圣的职责,就是要基督徒保护并且供应給他们所爱的人。在信仰上以及行为上,圣经都把照看亲属作为一项首要责任。依照十诫中第五诫的指示,“当孝敬父母……”,使徒保罗深刻强调了这一准则的重要性。(SDALI 4.7






    耶稣也主张这一看法,并视之为“上帝的诫命”(马太福音 156)(SDALI 5.1


    怀爱伦不止一次地呼吁要为将来的不时之需做准备。她的建议包括以下几点:(SDALI 5.2




    “你赚得的财产因为没有被合理有效地使用和规划而没有剩余,如果你遭受疾病,失去这仅有的财产,便无法继续养活家人。” —《复临信徒的家庭》The Adventist Home, 396


    “如果你和你的妻子明白上帝寄予你们的使命,克制自己的喜好和欲望,为将来做打算而不是为当下而活,……你的全家都会享受到安逸的生活。”《教会证言》卷2Testimonies for the Church 2:432


    怀爱伦一生中都在鼓励基督徒履行他们的职责,例如刻苦勤奋,努力工作,高瞻远瞩,自制,以及对圣工的大力支持。她支持购买和维护高品质的货物。她赞成在条件适宜的情况下拥有房产,并认可为应对将来的需要而合理积攒的财富。她认为这类储备不但供应个人所需,还将有利于帮助圣工以及那些非亲非故却有需要的人士。她鼓励在退休后拥有一个不奢华但很舒适的居所,并提及了那些为将来做打算的人在晚年得享的尊严。《证言》卷7Testimonies for the Church 7:291, 292 SDALI 5



    在寻找圣经以及怀爱伦著作中对人寿保险的探讨时,许多安息日会信徒把目光放在了怀爱伦对保险的警告,而忽略了她同样重要的对将来所需做预备的建议。这样做导致信徒没有享受到他们在合理规划后应当享有的福利。(SDALI 5.4


    在如今的社会环境中,最关键的问题是:人寿保险的合同上有没有提供符合基督教义的保障未来需求的福利?它是否能够应对工薪阶层因为残疾或死亡而引发的危机,同时又不削减信徒对上帝保守的依赖?在这个到处有危险和意外事故的世界,它是否能帮助我们履行保护无辜受害者的神圣义务?它是否能在如今人际关系惨淡,家庭关系紧张的趋势下,将空缺的那份亲情和关爱填补?(SDALI 5.5


    一项以全球总会以及怀爱伦遗产组织进行的调查报告于1957年发表,在50页的报告书中详细总结了对人寿保险的研究。报告中阐述的观点,通过仔细核查,被认为是合理有效的建议,应该被纳入做决定前的考虑范围内。以下是报告的几点内容:(SDALI 6.1













     6. 一个人具体该为将来做何种储备,以及储备的多少,都应当是个人慎重且通过祷告做出的选择,并在决定的过程中将全身心交给上帝。每个人应当有所觉悟,在履行对亲人的义务时,每一步都该符合上帝的旨意。














     13. 葬礼协会,是一种众人参与付费或者得到死亡评估的组织。通过组织性的管理,成员必须承担的费用得到众人的分担。




     15. 这些各种各样的保险计划,事实上都是为了实现预言之灵多年来在安息日会组织中推行的保障组织成员和雇工利益的计划。这个计划就是将工资的一部分定期存放在一个基金里,在受保人退休或者丧失工作能力时分期付发给本人或是他们的亲属配偶,用来支付医疗或者葬礼所需的资金。








     19.  上帝借预言之灵的建议为我们提供了丰富大量的理财之道,也让我们清晰地看到我们对上帝,对教会弟兄,对家人,和对自己负有的责任。这些建议应当被反复学习,应用,最终帮我们在天上积累财富,防止陷入撒旦的网罗。




Provision for the Time of Need

Both the Scriptures and the writingsof Ellen White elevate to a divine mandate the Christian responsibility toprotect and provide for one’s loved ones. In both faith and practice the Bibleassigns prime responsibility for such care upon near relatives. Building on theauthority of the fifth commandment, “Honor thy father and thy mother...,” theapostle Paul stresses the importance of this principle in the strongest ofterms. He wrote: SDALI 4.7

“But if any widow have children ornephews, let them learn first to shew piety at home, and to requite theirparents; for that is good and acceptable before God....

“But if any provide not for his own,and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and isworse than an infidel” (1 Timothy 5:4, 8).

Jesus reinforced the same principle,referring to it as the “command of God” (Matthew 15:6). SDALI 5.1

Repeatedly Ellen White stressed theimportance of providing for future needs. Examples of such counsel include thefollowing: SDALI 5.2

“You might today have had a capitalof means to use in case of emergency, and to aid the cause of God, if you hadeconomized as you should. Every week a portion of your wages should bereserved, and in no case touched unless suffering actual want, or to renderback to the Giver in offerings to God.

“The means you have earned have notbeen wisely and economically expended so as to leave a margin, should you besick and your family be deprived of the means... to sustain them.”—The Adventist Home, 396.

“Had you and your wife understood itto be a duty that God enjoined upon you, to deny your taste and your desires,and make provision for the future instead of merely living for thepresent,...your family could have had the comforts of life.”—Testimonies for the Church 2:432.

Throughout her lifetime Ellen Whiteencouraged as Christian duties such practices as diligence, hard work, exerciseof foresight, self-denial, and generous benevolence to the Lord’s cause. Sheencouraged the purchase of quality goods and the care of them. She spoke infavor of home ownership where possible, and approved the accumulation ofreasonable reserves for use in necessity. She conceived of such reserves asavailable not only for personal needs, but also for extending the work of Godand assisting those outside one’s family who experienced need. She lookedfavorably upon the acquisition of a modest but comfortable home for one’sretirement, and spoke of the self-respect that would follow from havingprovided for the future. (See Testimonies for the Church 7:291, 292.) SDALI 5.


In seeking to understand theteachings of the Scriptures and the writings of Ellen White on life insurance,many Adventists have focused on her warnings against insurance to the neglectof her equally pointed testimony toward making provision for times ofnecessity. The effect has been to deprive members of benefits of the kind thatprudent planning could provide. SDALI 5.4

Under today’s conditions, theultimate questions are: Do life insurance policies offer a method for meetingemergency needs that is compatible with Christian principles? Could they helpmeet the crisis raised by the disability or death of the wage earner withoutweakening one’s faith or commitment to trust in God providence? Could they helpmeet the divinely given responsibility of protecting the innocent survivors oftragedy in a hazardous world? Could they help fill the void created by thediminished role of family ties in the modern world as increased individualismand governmental programs displace the ancient bonds? SDALI 5.5

A study committee of the GeneralConference and the Ellen G. White Estate conducted a thorough study of lifeinsurance, summarized in a 50-page report issued in 1957. Its propositions,based upon careful investigation, provide a sound interpretation of theprinciples concerned and should be taken into account in arriving at adecision. Those principles include the following: SDALI 6.1

1. The Spirit of Prophecy counselsunhesitatingly and definitely teach that the Christian should make provisionfor a “rainy day.” We should recognize that a time will come when there will bereduced or terminated income; and looking ahead, we should, if possible, have areasonable amount of property or money in reserve to meet such needs so that“the charities of others need not be depended upon.”

2. It is proper to have the securityof a modest home of our own and conservative financial investments—money in thebank, invested in the Lord’s work, or in other sound investment.

3. It is proper to avail ourselvesof the protection offered by fire insurance and insurance on the automobile.

4. In whatever provision he makesfor the future, the Christian is to be ever mindful of the special and tenderwatchcare of God over His children and not be forgetful of the needs of thecause of God.

5. The family and the church have aresponsibility to its members in time of need or bereavement. The Christianshould share in his brother’s burdens so that none will suffer.

6. The extent of the provision thatshould be made for the day of need and how it should be made are to be leftwith the individual to settle carefully and prayerfully, with heart fullysurrendered to God, and with the determination that in fulfilling theseresponsibilities, every move will be made in harmony with God’s will.

7. The Spirit of Prophecy counselson life insurance made in the 1860’s were given at a time when life insurancewas uncontrolled and often handled by “fly-by-night” concerns, as a gamblingproposition in a “get-rich-quick” scheme.

8. Although the Spirit of Prophecycounsels in the years between 1867 and 1909 continued to be consistent indiscouraging life insurance, it should be recognized that in the United Statessuch insurance did not come under the control of state banking laws until 1906and onward. Even as late as 1910 some companies were still involved inquestionable and often dishonest practices. However, there were no statementson life insurance made by Ellen White after 1909.

9. Various savings and insuranceplans which are today termed “life insurance,” protected by carefully enactedstate laws, and subject to close inspection of state authorities, are generallyconsidered to be a safe investment and sounder than many other investments.

10. In most so-called life insuranceplans as they are written today, the principle of putting something aside forthe day of need and of sharing one anther’s burdens is actually carried out.The circle reaches out beyond the family or the church to include quite a largenumber of persons, thus equalizing the burden and minimizing the expense.

11. Health care insurance is simplyanother plan for equalizing what maybe an unusual and heavy expense. In thiscase, also, a large number of persons share the burdens of one another.

12. Burial insurance provides ameans whereby the expense now connected with death is provided for in a certainand sure manner through advance payments over a period of years.

13. Burial societies, in which alarge number of persons participate either by specified dues or by assessmentsat the time of the death of a member, are a means of systematically spreadingthe expense in such a way that we bear one another’s burdens. Through awell-organized plan we make proper provision for an expense which must be met.

14. Social Security is recognized bythe church as a plan whereby employer and wage earner unite in systematicallyplacing in reserve that which will be available in time of need, either atretirement or at death.

15. These various plans virtuallyaccomplish for the lay member wage-earner what the denominational retirementplan—called into being through the Spirit of Prophecy has for many yearsprovided for ministers and other employees of the denomination. This is a planby which a regular percentage of the payroll of the various employingorganizations is accumulated in one central fund which is to be disbursed inmonthly payments to retired or incapacitated laborers or their widows, and incase of need, to meet unusual medical and burial expense.

16. The Seventh-day AdventistChurch, although it does not officially encourage or discourage its members inthe matter of insurance of different types, has by actions of the GeneralConference Committee in Annual Council, formally placed its approval on SocialSecurity and Survivor’s Benefit plans.

17. In the choice of the methodemployed in providing “a capital of means to use in an emergency” (The Adventist Home, 396), whatever thatmethod shall be, care should be taken to seek and follow the counsel of thoseof experience who can be depended upon to give safe guidance.

18. Whatever provision the wageearner makes in preparation for the day of financial adversity or lessenedincome, he must guard carefully against a course of action which will lead to alove of money, or the creation with his own hands of something in which heplaces his trust, thus impairing that close connection with his Creator andRedeemer.

19. The Lord, through the Spirit ofProphecy counsels, has given an abundance of instruction and guidance relatingto our responsibility for financial stewardship, making clear our obligationsto God, our family, our fellow church members, and those about us. Thesecounsels should be carefully studied, re-studied, and adhered to, so that wemay lay up treasure in heaven, lest Satan lure us into soul-destroyingentanglements.

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