作者:中国安息日会网 | 发布时间:2016-11-07
编者按: 在中国安息日会特殊的国情,按立女牧师是得到全球总会会长魏牧师的认可、尊重和支持的......。因此原因其它分会也想效法中国安息日会按立女牧师,才有了争议......。希望中国本会同工们不要拿国外的事件来国内说事,引起不必要的争议,给魔鬼留下空隙作工。也不要对自己毫无关系,甚至有利的事就拥护总会,这不是真基督徒的行为;对自己不利就反对总会,说什么国情不同,比如说总会规定教会负责人“两年”一选,中国哪个教会有遵行?都在狡辩什么国情不同。不是说拥护总会,顺服总会吗?两年一选绝对对教会有利无弊,为何不顺服呢?不执行总会规程是为谁考虑?为教会利益?还是为总会规程?是为自己利益考虑吧!真基督徒所作、所想、所说,都要以教会和福音的利益为前题,这才是忠心又善良的仆人,否则就是恶仆。
下图是中国安息日会最大的北关教堂郝雅杰牧师和全球总会会长魏泰德(Ted Norman Clair Wilson)牧师合影与沈阳北关教堂。
译 文:
原 文:
The Seventh-day Adventist Church exists toproclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ as expressed in the Three Angels’ Messages.Nothing should impede this prophetic mission.
It is thus with grave concern that themembers of the North American Division (NAD) Executive Committee witnessed thepassing of the Unity in Mission document at the recent Annual Council. Theimplementation of this document will create--indeed, is already creating--aprofoundly divisive and demoralizing reality in many parts of the NAD.
While we wish to register our vigorousdisagreement with the intent of the document, we do not wish to respondimpulsively. Therefore, in light of this document, we move to authorize NADCOMto appoint a subcommittee to craft a thoughtful path forward.
Furthermore, recognizing that the underlyingfocus and context of the Unity in Mission document was the ordination of womento ministry in two unions in our division, we wish to once again publiclyaffirm our unwavering support and steadfast intent to realize the full equalityof women in ministry, in fulfillment of biblical principles, in the Seventh-dayAdventist Church. In light of these realities, we do not want the Unity inMission document to be a deterrent to the ongoing, proactive progress towardthe full equality of women in ministry in our Division.
We invite earnest prayer for the leading ofthe Holy Spirit as we engage in this process.
The motion carried, 163 in favor, 35 opposed,and 1 in abstention.