


作者:刘忆 编译 | 发布时间:2020-02-10

    基督教研究所(Christian Research Institute),美国权威机构,著名基督教护教及异端研究机构, 曾于二十年前发表声明,公开声明基督复临安息日会不是异端,而是历史传承下来的基督教会的一支。(详情请见:http://baike.baidu.com/view/1125309.htm)


    Seventh Day Adventism:A Statement of the Christian Research Institute




    The main emphasis of ministry at the Christian Research Institute is to provide information which will help those who are evangelizing the millions of people presently entangled in cults, the occult, and various false religions. Because of this, and because Dr. Walter Martin did some pioneer research on Adventism in the late 1950's, we are frequently asked what our position is on the subject of Seventh-day Adventism (hereafter "SDA" for short).


    基督教研究所事奉的重心在于为那些致力于向成千上万陷入异端邪教的民众们传讲福音的基督徒们提供信息。鉴于华特马丁(Walter Martin)博士曾在1950年代对基督复临安息日信仰做过调查研究[1],我们也曾多次被问及本所对基督复临安息日会信仰的立场, 特此声明如下:


    Though several capable Christian scholars (e.g., Anthony Hoekema, J.K. Van Baalen, John Gerstner) have concluded that SDA is a non-Christian cult system, CRI has continued to assert that this is not the case. We take this position based on the content of the doctrine which was stated in an official SDA publication (1957) entitled Questions on Doctrine. It should be noted that in 1983, W. Richard Lesher, vice-president of the General Conference, affirmed that SDA stood behind the publication Questions on Doctrine. Since SDA does accept the foundational doctrines of historic Christianity (the Trinity, Christ's true deity, His bodily resurrection, etc.), we do not believe that it should be classified as a non-Christian cult. It is our conviction that one cannot be a true Jehovah's Witness, Mormon, Christian Scientist, etc., and be a practicing Christian in the biblical sense of the word; but it is possible to be a Seventh-day Adventist and a true follower of Jesus, despite certain distinctive Adventist doctrines which we consider to be unbiblical.


    虽然少数几位基督教的学者们,比如:安东尼侯科马(Anthony Hoekema,凡 巴楞 (J.K. Van Baalen), 约翰 杰斯特(John Gerstner) 都曾下结论认为基督复临安息日会是一个非基督教的邪教组织,但本研究所一直以来都坚持认为事实并非如此。本所持这一立场的依据为基督复临安息日会官方出版的该会教义阐述——《教义问答》(1957年出版)。提请大家注意,基督复临安息日会全球总会副会长雷谢尔(W.Richard Lesher)曾于1983年确认《教义问答》的确是基督复临安息日会官方出版物。鉴于基督复临安息日会的确接受历史传承下来的基督教的根本教义(三位一体论,基督神性论,基督肉身复活论),我们不认为基督复临安息日会应该被列为非基督教异端邪教。我们深信真正的耶和华见证人、摩门教徒和基督教科学会的人不可能同时又是一位实践圣经话语的基督徒;但基督复临安息日会却不然,他们虽然持一些我们认为不合乎圣经的独特教义(译者按:即本文下面将提到的遵守第七日为安息日,条件性永生以及恶人的永远灭亡等教义),我们却深信,一位基督复临安息日会的信徒是可以同时成为耶稣真正跟从者的。


   This does not mean that we endorse the entire theological structure of SDA, since a portion of it is definitely out of the mainstream of historic Christian theology (e.g., Sabbatarianism, conditional immorality or soul sleep, and annihilation of the wicked). Though we would adamantly disagree with Adventists regarding these above mentioned doctrines, it should be added that one could hold these views and remain a believing Christian. In other words, these doctrines do not secure nor necessarily inhibit salvation.










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